Shipping Update for International Customers

In an effort to make ordering easier for international customers, we’ve updated our shipping processes.
New Features on the Kinkery | December 2020

We consider ourselves the little kinky shop that could. While the Kinkery is technically a “new” shop, we’ve been in business in other forms since about 2017. The first iteration of the shop was super basic, but here, we want to offer a ton of features that you might find at any big-name store. That […]
What to Give the Kinkster In Your Life This Holiday Season

Looking for the “perfect” kinky gift for your partner or your kinky BFF isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Here are a few ideas to help you figure out what to give the kinkster in your life this holiday season.
The Kinkery Origin Story

The Kinkery’s origin story might not be as fascinating as a superhero’s but we do have a beginning that dates back to 2016.